Trying to decide on a nice bottle on plonk for your Friday evening dinner can often be a difficult task. The options are endless, with wall to wall blends from wineries and estates around the country all vying for your attention. Have you ever just wanted to put all of them in your shopping cart and taste them all? Perhaps you should! But maybe you should go that step further by getting your feet mushy in the barrel by visiting the source itself – the winery. But if you’re going to just one winery, you may as well do them all; after all, who doesn’t like a good excuse for a country wide road trip. So warm your engines, hook up the caravan, get your rig checked out to make sure all your engine parts will work on the rugged terrain, and get excited for one of these awesome Australian road trips.

First stop, Queensland!

While Queensland is commonly referred to as the place for sunshine and tropical beaches, it should be noted that the hinterland regions are bustling with a stunning selection of wineries. With four key areas to take in on your tour, you could be there for some time. From further out west in the South Burnett, through the Darling Downs region and back in through the Granite Belt and Queensland Coastal regions you will find wineries, breweries and much more. Even sneaking up through Tamborine Mountain in the Queensland Coast, you will discover internationally award winning wineries and breweries that are not to be missed.


Down South

Heading further down south and out of Queensland into New South Wales, you will discover no less than 18 wine regions spread across the state. There’s hardly a road to travel in this far-reaching state that doesn’t lead to another sprawling winery, eagerly awaiting your arrival. The road is yours to choose in this great state, with your winery road trip available to change at your whim. Those who enjoy the comfort of in the inland roads and mountains may prefer to travel via the western plains and central ranges. While the northern slopes and through the Hunter Valley may very well be the road taken by those who favour the smell the seaside.

And Further Down We Go

Although nowhere near as large and expansive as New South Whales, Victoria is still littered with a vast many wine regions all ripe for the choosing. Again your choices can take you inland or travelling across the coastline, whichever direction you turn will be up to your personal tastes and desires. Do you have that one region you are dying to visit? Quite popular of course is the Yarra Valley, nestled away in the chilly air of Victoria, it attracts a high volume of visitors and is well worth your time as you continue on.

We could travel the entire countryside in search of the finest wineries; there are the wonders of South Australia, the glorious Margaret River in Perth and not to mention the other beautiful states of our country. But alas the journey stops here, you’ve had a few too many and it’s probably best not to drive. Time to pull up and set up the caravan for the night, pop open a bottle of one of your favourites you purchased along with a lovely serve one of those fine cheeses. Now put your feet up and enjoy the view as the sun sets.

photo credit: JohnONolan cc huskyte77 cc via photopin